The ISCC self-declarations for the delivery of used cooking oil (UCO), food waste (FOOD WASTE) and waste or residues (WASTE RESIDUES) published on this page, is an accepted and valid part of the contracts between GRINOIL SL and our clients / suppliers.

The ISCC self-declaration will be presented to the client / supplier in the same contract / collection delivery note and / or full de seguiment of the Residus de Catalunya Agency or mention will be made of it.

The self-declaration will be considered accepted from the effective date of the contract / delivery note / full de seguiment.

The ISCC self-declaration is valid for 1 year from the date of the signed document.

ISCC Self-Declarations for the production of biofuels ISCC EU Directive No. 2009/28 / CE corresponding to:

Used cooking oil (UCO)
Food waste (FOOD WASTE)
Waste or residues (WASTE RESIDUES)

You can find them here: